Technical Reports Architectural and Urban Design Statement Building Lifecycycle ReportDaylight and Sunlight Assessment and Shadow Analysis ReportHousing Quality AssessmentSchedule of AccommodationLandscape StrategyTree SurveyCivils Design ReportFlood Risk AssessmentCEMPEnergy StatementPublic Lighting Plan ReportUtility Services ReportCTMPConstruction Demolition Waste Management PlanStage 1 Storm Water AuditTraffic and Transport Assessment (TTA)Mobility Management Plan (MMP)DMURS ComplianceRoad Safety Audit (RSA) Stage 1Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA)Geophysical SurveyCullairbaun House Condition SurveyEcIA Report AASREIA Screening ReportBat SurveyInvasive Species Management PlanGeological AssessmentEsker Conservation Letter